On 07-08.10.2017 was held a workshop with experts from Bulgaria and Turkey, in the frames of which were visited Regional inspection for protection of environment and waters – Burgas; Vaya lake and Burgas wetlands, Department for Preservation of waters to University “Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov”.
In the period 09-11.10.2017, District governorship Burgas in partnership with District governorship Enez organized: Training on environmental protection and conservation of habitats and biodiversity – Lake “Vaya” Burgas, Bulgaria and Lake “Gala” Enez, Turkey.
Exchange of experience between partners in monitoring and management of protected areas, parallel monitoring of the quality and purity of the lake waters on the territory of Bulgaria and Turkey.
In the period 17 – 19.10.2018, District governorship Enez in partnership with District governorship Burgas organized: Training on environmental protection and conservation of habitats and biodiversity – Lake “Vaya” Burgas, Bulgaria and Lake “Gala” Enez, Turkey.